Beauty and wellness clinics
$950,000 + Stock
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Industry Type:
Day Spa
Emma Attenborough
Specialist Broker
0404 090 367
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This highly profitable group of salons have been structured for a franchising model, with 7 salons in total all with new fit outs and strong trading history, this group could be the start of a great chain to expand upon or ready for take over by an existing group wanting to expand into the hair removal and wellness spa market.
All locations in busy shopping malls with huge walk by trade, stunning shop infrastructure with a great on-line presence, detailed point of sale in place, with in depth reporting available, strong leases in good locations, up to date machines and equipment for all treatments.
Management structure in place to limit owner involvement with a store manager in each and a general manager across all clinics to ensure continuity of service.
Key points
Turnover $4,124,329.00
Rent: $661,711
Profits: $750,000 averaged out
7 clinics
Capacity for growth
Each store can be franchised easily
Diverse range of service to ensure consistent income year round
Long handover available
Price $950,000 plus stock.
Listing ID: NSW10715
Broker: Emma Attenborough
Phone: +61 404 090 367
*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading.