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Ways to Increase revenue

1. Create your own product. Creating your very own salon product, such as a special shampoo, can help establish your authority in the industry.

2. Ask for referrals from satisfied clients. Word of mouth advertising is huge.

3. Generate local publicity. Get to know a writer or journalist from your local newspaper and have them write a compelling story about your salon.

4. Build joint ventures. Team up with another related business that can refer your services, as you can do the same for them. It’s a winning and mutual relationship.

5. Get involved in national events. Getting nationwide coverage can always be good. Cut-A-Thon is a great way to show you care about the community, and building your client base.

6. Send a mailer. If you are a new salon, or even an established business, send out a mailer with a voucher or a reduced-price service for first time visitors. Increase your client base easily with direct marketing (which is also cost effective).

7. Buy TV advertising. If your salon is big enough and your budget allows, take a TV spot that’ll air on your local community channel. Do your research before spending big money on this though.

8. Get on the radio. The best way to do this is via an interview. Have the radio interview you or have people calling in with questions. It’ll spread the word about your salon!

9. Just like TV advertising, if your budget allows, a billboard ad can be very eye-catching to thousands of people who drive by every day.

10. Be thoughtful. Send out special cards during important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, or other accomplishments. A little goes a long way.

11. Networking events. Get out to your local chamber or another business networking group and talk your salon up. Chances are you’ll pick up a few clients just by handing out your business card!

12. Educate again. Partner up with local colleges or other establishments to show the public how your business can be of benefit. Offer special discounts to college students (often an untapped market).

13. Get involved with the community. Being involved in your community can bring a sense of satisfaction to the work you do. How many people in your community know about your salon and what you do? Get the word out there!

14. Host a client appreciation event. Host a large gala once a year where you bring all your clients together. This will strengthen your relationship with them!

15. Commit to a workshop. Choose your audience wisely, and speak about a topic that will intrigue them. You could even help educate other salon professionals!

16. Remarket to old clients. Did a past client stop coming in? If they have not been in to your salon for at least 6 months, send them a flyer to have them come back.

17. Be direct. You could literally ask your client for a few minutes of their time and interview them. Ask them what they would have liked better during their visit. This will help you keep them coming back and even refer you when they see how much you care!

18. Learn from the best. Follow successful industry leaders and try to procure their skills and accomplishments. They must be doing some things right that you can put to use at your salon.

19. Give away freebies. The truth is that people love free stuff. Give away key chains, coffee mugs, or other promotional products and your new or current clients will love you!

20. Send a tangible thank you. This one may be over the top, but you can purchase a cake from a bakery and send it to your client’s office. Scatter your business cards are the box. Boy, will they love you!

21. Devote a day to prospecting. All the individuals who opened your marketing email, commented on your blog, or interacted with you on LinkedIn…send them a personal message. They will appreciate the special attention.

22. Address their life goals. Many clients may be worried about retirement. Why not set up a program, where a guest gets a certain percentage off their service, to be sent to their retirement brokerage representative? Just a fresh idea.

23. Draft a brochure that’s direct. You want to be personal with the message on your brochure, but remain direct and persuasive. Market yourself to new clients with an eye-catching pamphlet.


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